Return to Self
A podcast where I acknowledge and unpack all the voices in my head in a quest to live a more authentic, peaceful and fulfilled life.
Return to Self
10 days of post partum
Tola Sunmonu-Balogun
Season 2
Episode 3
Giving birth comes with a roller coaster of emotions...many of which we find hard to articulate and discuss.
With the birth of my first child, I kept a lot of these emotions bottled in. Primarily because I didn't understand them and I was also dealing with grief associated with losing my mother.
This time around, I chose to journal what I was feeling every day. Writing my feelings has always made the feelings have less power over me. In these journal entries, I covered a full spectrum of feelings, physical pain, rage, awe, gratitude etc.
I hope this gives anyone going through the wave of post partum emotions some relief to know that you aren't alone.